
Concert – April 17th 2 PM

Saint GenevievesThis season’s first concert is approaching. Please mark April 17th in your calendars and help spread the word. Here are the details:

Coastal Voices Men’s Choir presents an afternoon of musical song and cheer at Saint Genevieve’s Church, 723 East Chezzetcook Road, on Sunday April 17th at 2:00 p.m.

Come and join us for an Early Spring concert presented by Coastal Voices Men’s Choir and guests. The program will feature music of many styles from sea shanties to classical, including the popular Cape Breton song, Rise Again, with soloist Rowan Wilson-Henkelman.

Admission is by free-will offering and everyone is invited.

Hope to see you there.

House Rehearsal March 17th, 2016

We had a great House Rehearsal in Lake Echo last Thursday, St. Patrick’s Day. A big thankyou to Susan Edwards for hosting the event in her home, and for the refreshments. Here are a few photos of some choir members and guests, including one of a potential new recruit, Hector, shown practicing the “Stay!” command known to all chocolate baritones.


Coastal Voices Men’s Choir Begins 2016 Season

Coastal Voices Men’s Choir will begin weekly rehearsals on January 7, 2016 (7-9pm.)

Men interested in singing with this group are encouraged to attend the first rehearsal at the Harbour Lights New Horizon Club 167 Meaghers Grant Rd, Musquodoboit Harbour

While musical experience is an asset, it is not necessary. No audition is required to join!

Voice lessons/vocal coaching for men are also available from Allan Banks for a small fee.

For more information about the group or to indicate an interest in joining,

please call Allan Banks at 902-889-3179 or Click Here to Email Allan.

The membership fee will remain at $50 for the season and will help cover the cost of our important and talented professional staff. ALSO, be mindful that we are continuing to look for new singers.